Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You are getting sleeeeepyyyyy

Well, actually, *I* am getting sleepy.  So this will be a short post.

I had kind of a slow start this morning, but once I got moving, I was fairly productive.  I managed to pretty much finish up Julia's montage, and posted it to youtube around 12:30 pm.  Then I pretty much just vegged for the rest of the afternoon.

When Marcus got home, we went to the gym, then came back and cooked dinner (yummy pasta again!) for our friends Cat and Drew, who came over around 7:30.  They brought a delicious apple and blueberry pie for dessert, and we mostly ate and talked, and also played a quick game of Blokus (which they also brought).  After they left, we cleaned up and started to get ready for bed.

Then I got an email from Nora (Julia's mom) about the montage.  She liked it, but was wondering where the video clip was that I was supposed to add in.  I did add it in, but apparently it got lost somewhere in the upload to youtube.  So I had to go back and re-add it back in, and re-upload it to youtube.  Thankfully, it worked this time, so I sent her the new link, and we shall see what she says in the morning.

And now I am going to bed, because I have to get up early tomorrow (7:30) to go babysit Eli and Talia.  Goodnight all!

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