Monday, August 8, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

I didn't sleep very well last night.  Just when I was going to sleep, I found a bug crawling in the bed (just a silverfish, but still, IT TOUCHED ME!), and after Marcus got rid of it for me, it took me a while to get rid of that creepy-crawly feeling and actually fall asleep.  So this morning, I had a hard time getting up.  I did manage to drag myself out of bed around 8:30 though.

It took me a while to get going even after I got up, and as a result, I didn't even get dressed or anything until around 10:30.  I didn't do much during the day - job searched some (and started working on applications for a few jobs, but I didn't find those until around 4:30, so had to save to return later when Marcus got home), did a few tasks on Amazon Turk, and that's about it.  I also emailed the leasing agent from the apartment complex we've been looking at, and she got back to me within a couple of hours, letting me know that there would be a unit for us to come look at on Saturday.  I also managed to actually walk down to get the mail today, which I hadn't done in a while.

After Marcus got home, it was a typical Monday evening.  We went to the gym, then ate dinner, and then I watched Secret Life while he was watching the Braves game.  And after my show was over, I came out and watched the rest of the game with him.  Also, because we went to the gym AND I ate a relatively small dinner for a gym day (usually I splurge on tacos or Chipotle or something on gym days, but today I just ate easy mac and salad), I hit a new low weight!  I've been trying to lose some weight, with the help of a great free online food log I found (that also lets you log your exercise and weight among other things).  My goal is to eventually get back down to 120...I haven't weighed 120 since high school, haha, but I don't have a specific timetable in mind, it's just an eventual goal.  For right now, my more immediate goal is to get my BMI back down into "normal" range (it's currently in "overweight" range), and I'm getting really close!  My BMI as of tonight is down to 25.3, and I think 25 is the upper edge of "normal" range!  I started tracking my food and exercise (and weight) about 2 months ago, and in that time, I've lost about 8 pounds!  It's a really slow process for me (slower than it should be based solely on my net calories, but that's not surprising, since one of the potential effects of PCOS is difficulty losing weight - it could be MUCH worse, though, I'm lucky that that's not one of the effects that's particularly bad in my case), but I'm clearly making progress, which is exciting.  I was SO excited when I had my first sub-140 weight a few weeks ago, and now I am down to 137.7!  Granted, it fluctuates, but a few weeks ago, it was bouncing between 140-142.5, and now it's been between 138.5-140.5 (until today!), with the 140s getting rarer all the time.  So I'm very pleased with that :-)

Also, the Braves won again tonight, so yay!  And we've been firming up more plans for my parents' upcoming visit, it's starting to shape into what will be a very busy weekend.  Mostly fun stuff though, so I'm actually getting excited about it.

I have a long list of stuff I need to do tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have another interesting entry to post tomorrow night!  Until then, goodnight all!

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