Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oy, too much stress!

So much for a relaxing weekend.  Today started off innocently enough.  I got up around 11:30.  Marcus left at 12:30 to go shop with A and some others for the APO section event tomorrow, and I left around the same time to go over to Marsha's.  We hung out at her house for a while, had some yummy waffles, and then decided to go check out a flea market.  It was about 45 minutes away (not too bad), and we ended up spending a couple of hours walking around there.  We got some yummy Italian ices and saw lots of cool stuff!  We got back to her house around 5:30, at which point I looked at my car and saw that I had a flat tire.  So I called AAA, and the guy came out 15 minutes later!  This is the first time I've ever had a AAA person make it out in less than an hour, haha, which was awesome!  He put my spare tire on, and then Marcus showed up.  I had called him to let him know what was going on, because we had a dinner reservation at 7, and when I originally called AAA, they had said the guy would come anytime "between now and 7:17", so Marcus had decided to head over so we could go to dinner straight from Marsha's.  Luckily, we were able to leave her house around 6:30, so we were on time for our reservation!

This week is Restaurant Week for Midtown Atlanta, which means a whole bunch of restaurants have special 3-course menus for $25 or $35 per person.  We had looked through the menus and picked one to go to, it was a restaurant called Steel.  Our dinner was DELICIOUS!  Their regular menu is a bit out of our typical price range, and the $25 3-course menu was a steal of a deal given their normal prices.  We were so full after dinner that we almost couldn't walk back to the car!

Anyway, we headed back to Marsha's after dinner to get my car, which I drove home with no issues.  I'm a little concerned about the spare tire, because I'm supposed to drive to Dunwoody and back tomorrow for Eli's birthday party, and the car place is closed on Sundays, so I can't take it in to get the regular tire fixed until Monday morning, so that's a LOT of driving on the spare.  The AAA guy assured me that it would be fine, that I "could drive on it for a week if I needed to", but that I shouldn't drive over 50 MPH on it.  So I'm now planning to take surface streets tomorrow rather than the highway (which is fine, since they've been doing massive weekend construction on 285 anyway), but I'm still a little concerned about the spare tire holding out :-/

In other exciting (to me, anyway) news, several extended cousins from my mom's generation had a family reunion in Maine a couple of weeks ago.  They are trying to get the WHOLE family back in touch, and to get many more people (including me!) to come to the next reunion in a couple of years!  So they created a facebook group for the family, and I of course went crazy adding people to it, lol.  I'm so excited, I've always wanted to have a family reunion!  And this is on a way bigger scale than I even imagined!

So, now I am exhausted and heading to bed.  Hoping my family in DC and NY (and everywhere in between) holds out okay with the hurricane!

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