Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Same Old, Same Old

Today was another day spent on the futon.  I didn't have a fever at all today, but my head finally started to drain last night, and I spent most of today coughing up a storm.  This morning, my cousin posted a picture on facebook of him and his brother when they were little, which made me all nostalgic, so I watched one of my home videos (in which he and his brother play a prominent role and look just like they did in that picture).  Other than that, I didn't do much today...I did take out the trash, which was exciting because it was the first time I left the apartment since Saturday.

Cliff came over around 9:30 and brought our mutual friend Chris J. with him to say hi.  We hung out for about an hour before Chris left to drive home, and Cliff is now sleeping on the futon while Marcus and I are about to go get ready for bed.

Not sure how I'll feel tomorrow...hopefully I'll continue this trend of one symptom getting better each day, and tomorrow's will be this ridiculous cough!  I'm so sick of coughing :-(

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