Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time flies when you're having fun

Today was another busy day with my parents.  We did get to sleep in, which was nice.  We got up around 11, and headed over to pick them up at their hotel around 12 in order to get to Marcus's aunt and uncle's house for brunch at 12:30.  Brunch was great, lots of good food and conversation, and it's always nice to see family.  We hung out there until a little after 4 pm, then headed over to Joel and Shosh's house.  Shosh was working, but Joel was home with the little ones, so my mom got to meet Talia and see Eli (her birthday buddy)!  They were both adorable as always, and my mom got to hold Talia for a while.  Talia LOVED my mom!  She was smiling and giggling the whole time!

Unfortunately, we were only able to stay there for about 20 minutes before we had to head out to Marcus's cousins' house for dinner.  We had to make a pit stop back at his aunt and uncle's house first to retrieve our wedding video, which Marcus had brought along and then proceeded to leave there accidentally :-P  Anyway, we made it up to his cousins' house, where we hung out for a while and had a nice dinner.  We left early, around 7:30, and got caught in a downpour on our way back to my parents' hotel.  But we made it, and Marcus and I went in and hung out in the lobby with them for a while.  Around 9 pm, we left the hotel and headed home.  My parents are leaving early tomorrow morning, so we won't see them again before they go.

It's been a crazy weekend, fun and busy, and it absolutely FLEW by.  I'm so not ready for the weekend to be over, but I guess I don't really have a choice.  We have a lot of stuff to get done this week, so I'm really not looking forward to dealing with various institutions (my car financing company, car insurance company, etc.).  I also need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, since we didn't have time to do that this weekend.  I think I really just need another weekend starting tomorrow - can we make that happen? ;)

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