Friday, August 12, 2011


Today was an interesting day, as I predicted it would be.  I didn't really do much during the day, just job searched a little bit and fooled around on facebook and the interwebs.  Today was really about tonight.

Marcus left for his RPG around 6:30, at the same time I was tuning in to the Braves broadcast for Bobby Cox's number retirement ceremony.  The ceremony itself was pretty cool, they had a LOT of former players show up to honor Bobby, and the big three pitchers of the '90s (Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz) as well as Chipper Jones and John Schuerholz spoke and paid homage to Bobby.  But what really got me (unexpectedly) was the game afterwards.  The Braves jumped out to a huge lead early with a bunch of homers...and the energy in the ballpark...I haven't felt that kind of energy emanating from a televised game in a LONG time.  It reminded me of how it used to feel watching the Braves back in high school, when my life revolved around them.  I really miss that energy, I've kind of been lost and searching for it for a couple of years now, so it was nice to be reminded that it can still exist!

Anyway...that's really about all I've got for today.  I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight, I'm completely exhausted, haha, but in a good way, for once.  It's shaping up to be a fun weekend, so hopefully I'll have some more happy posts coming up!

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