Friday, August 5, 2011


Today was a pretty slow day, but it's Friday, so yay! 

I got up on time (around 8) today, paid some bills and Drano-d the shower.  Then I surfed the web for a while, job searching, apartment hunting, and looking up random things about various GA schools.  I read a couple of chapters of my book, then took a break to eat lunch.  After lunch, I tried to find something productive to do, but the book was just calling to me, so I finally gave in and finished the book!  I had been trying to read it slowly, since I don't know when the next book in the series will be released, and I managed to make it last about two and a half months - not too bad.  It helped that it was a 994-page behemoth of a novel, haha.  Anyway, it was an amazing book, I highly recommend this series to anyone who likes fantasy or just likes an interesting, well-written story.  The series is called The Kingkiller Chronicles, written by Patrick Rothfuss, and it will be a three book series.  The first book came out a couple of years ago, it's called The Name of the Wind.  The second book came out earlier this year, it's called The Wise Man's Fear, and it's the one I just finished reading today.  For my reviews and summaries of both books, check out my livejournal and look for the "Book List" entries.

After I finished reading, I was going to clean the bathroom and then go down to get the mail, but Marcus called me around 3 to tell me his boss let them out early.  He got home around 3:30 and picked up the mail on his way in, so I didn't end up leaving the apartment at all today.  We got some snuggle time in, then had a quick Skype session with his aunt and uncle to make plans for when my parents come to town before he left for his RPG around 6.  I reheated some leftovers for dinner (black bean quesadillas - a new recipe we tried from one of the many cookbooks we've picked up recently), and then turned on the Braves game at 7.  It's in the bottom of the 9th now, looking like we're gonna pull this one out!  I still haven't cleaned the bathroom...definitely gotta do that when the game is over :-P

This is looking to be a quiet weekend, which is nice.  We actually have NOTHING on the calendar all weekend!  The only thing I know for sure is that at some point we're going to go to Which Wich for either lunch or dinner, because Marcus has a coupon that's expiring soon.  And obviously we're going to go grocery shopping at some point too.  And probably watch a lot of baseball!

Well, the game is over (we won, yay!), so I need to go and clean the bathroom now.  It's amazing how much less tedious cleaning is when I listen to music while doing it - thank you, Pandora!  I <3 the internet.

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