Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hump Day

Well, I've made it halfway through another week!  Today was a pretty boring day, but I'll try to find something to write about :-P

I was REALLY tired this morning, so I let myself sleep in a little bit and got up around 9 am.  I took my time getting ready, and finally made it out of the house around 10:45.  I went to the bank to deposit a check, and then came back home.  HOW EXCITING! :-P  Haha...yeah.  Then I lounged around surfing the interwebs, job searching, making small change on Amazon Mechanical Turk (which is this great feature on amazon where you can do surveys and random small tasks for pennies apiece), and daydreaming about the future (by which I mean looking at houses for sale on the GA MLS website).  I ate lunch and watched a rerun of Millionaire Matchmaker (this blog is making my tv watching look MUCH worse than it actually is, haha) before the Braves game came on at 1 pm.  I watched that, then walked down to get the mail.  It was SO hot out today - the forecast high was 97, and it felt every degree of that if not more.  The only thing of interest in the mail was the new issue of Emory Magazine, so I browsed through that until Marcus got home.

We ate a quick dinner, then headed out to the weekly RPG that he plays in.  They usually play on Friday nights, but this was a make-up session.  Since I literally had nothing else to do, I decided to tag along.  I enjoy watching them play - the story is very interesting - but I don't really want to play at this point.  Maybe someday.  Anyway, we were there until around 11 pm, then we came home, and here I am.

Tomorrow should be a little more interesting, as I actually have a few things planned to do during the day!

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