Saturday, August 6, 2011

Empty Weekends are Weird

As I think I mentioned yesterday, we have NOTHING on the calendar for this weekend.  This is such a rare occurrence that when it does happen, we don't know what to do with ourselves!

Marcus got home REALLY late last night from his RPG.  I was long since asleep when he got home, but he told me today that he didn't get home until around 3:30 am!  Even though I had gone to bed earlier, we both slept in really late today.  I got up around 12:30, and Marcus slept until 1:30 pm.  This set the tone for a really weird day.  I ate breakfast when I got up, so by the time I started getting hungry again, it was late enough that I decided to just skip lunch entirely and wait for dinner.

By the time we got ourselves together and got dressed and everything, it was around 3:30 pm.  I really wanted to get out and go somewhere.  I hadn't left the apartment since Thursday, so I was starting to get cabin fever!  We eventually decided to drive out to Dunwoody and drive through a neighborhood where there are several houses for sale that would be in our price range if we decide to buy a house anytime soon.  We had never been over there, although it's close to an area that we know fairly well, so we wanted to just drive through, see what the houses looked like in person (as opposed to pictures online), and try to get a sense of what the neighborhood is like.  It was definitely interesting...the subdivision is all these cookie cutter houses, with varying colors, and the houses are very close together.  It's a small subdivision, just one street, but the street sort of curves around so it's almost like two or three streets instead of one.  It's a cute little subdivision!  It's weird though, because these houses are fairly new (built around 2000), but on the other side of the main street from the subdivision, there are older ranch-style homes lining the street, and it doesn't look like the greatest part of town, if you know what I mean.  But the subdivision itself seems fairly who knows.  I figure if we start looking more seriously, that's something we could ask a realtor about.  We also have friends who live on that side of town, so they might know more about the different neighborhoods over there.

While we were out that way, we decided to stop by the apartment complex we've been looking at to try to get a business card for the leasing agent we had talked to the last time we were there.  I've been meaning to email her and follow up, but we didn't get her card, so didn't have her contact info.  Luckily, we were able to get one even though she wasn't working today, so now I can email her on Monday and try to move forward a little in the process of finding our next home.

After our little excursion, we got stuck in a downpour on the drive home.  About 5 minutes after we made it home, there was a pretty intense storm going on, with lightning and a lot of wind.  We waited it out for a little while, then Marcus decided he wanted to go out for dinner, so we went to Ruby Tuesday!  I hadn't been there in a while, since the one we used to go to closed, and we didn't know where there was another one nearby.  But when I went to lunch with Marsha the other day, we walked right past one in downtown Decatur, and I texted Marcus to let him know there was one there.  So we got to go there, and it was good.  They have a new thing on the menu - Veggie Trio + Salad Bar.  Basically, you get the salad bar and three sides of your choice, and it only costs $1 more than the salad bar by itself!  Since I always used to get the salad bar and a baked potato, I was all over this one - I got to get the salad bar and a baked potato PLUS two more sides!  I picked broccoli and sugar snap peas.  And it also came with a garlic cheese biscuit.  YUM :-)

After dinner, we came back home.  Marcus went out to run an errand for a friend, so I am sitting here watching the Braves game and playing Facebook Scrabble.  I'm hoping to get to bed at a decent hour tonight (by which I mean around midnight) so that we can get a little bit of an earlier start tomorrow.  I'd like to be up by 11 am tomorrow so that we'll have plenty of time to run errands and such, but we'll see.  I'm not going to force it - if we need sleep, we need sleep!  And our weekends get busy again starting next weekend, so this is an unusual chance to actually sleep in and relax both days of a weekend.  I'm definitely taking full advantage of that!

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