Thursday, August 4, 2011

A More Productive Day

As I had hoped, today did turn out to be more interesting and more productive than yesterday.  I got up around 8:15, which was already a better start than yesterday!  Around 10 am, I headed over to get a haircut (yay for $6.99 haircut coupons!).  The place was completely empty, so I was in and out in about 15 minutes.  The lady who cut my hair was nice (I hadn't gone to this location before, but the coupon was only valid at certain locations), she talked a lot about her (adult) daughter.  She did use a little hairspray and blowdry my hair without asking (normally I just let it air dry, and I don't use any product at all), which I wasn't too happy about, but for $6.99, I guess I can't really complain.

After I got home, I worked for about an hour on Julia's slideshow.  It's getting pretty close to being done, which is nice.  I was briefly interrupted by the apartment maintenance crew coming in to replace our air filter and inspect our smoke detector (this was scheduled maintenance that they had so nicely informed us of two days in advance - with a note stuck in our door that said they'd be coming "between 9 am and 5 pm"), but they were in and out in under 5 minutes.  When I had finished working on the slideshow, I job searched some and did a few tasks on Mechanical Turk.

Around noon, my friend Marsha came over, as we had plans to go to lunch.  We couldn't decide where we wanted to go, so she decided we would just get in the car and drive, and pick something we passed.  We started off going to the Highlands, but the power was out (all the traffic lights were completely out, not even blinking red or yellow or anything, and the shops/restaurants didn't appear to have power either) due to the earlier storms.  So we cut across Ponce to downtown Decatur, found a rare parking spot IN the square, and after filling up the meter with all the quarters, dimes and nickels we could dig out of our wallets, walked around debating where to eat.  We eventually decided on Pita Pit, which was awesome because they literally had their nutrition information posted on the window!  That made it really easy for me to input my lunch into the website I've been using to keep track of what I'm eating, which was nice.

After lunch, Marsha dropped me off back home, and I did some more Mechanical Turk tasks and just sort of hung out until Marcus got home from work.  We went to the gym, and then ate a small dinner.  My mom called shortly after that, so I talked to her for a while and had a nice little planning session for my parents' upcoming visit (weekend of August 20th).  Then, I had promised Marcus earlier this week that we could watch an episode of Star Trek: Voyager tonight (he LOVES Star Trek, and I agreed to watch the series in order with him since it's available on Netflix), since we hadn't watched in a while, so we did that, and now I am sitting here writing this while he is working on a new character for his RPG tomorrow night.

My mom also mentioned that she and my dad have some photo scanning projects for me, which I already knew, but haven't been able to do because I didn't want to bring the photos down with me on a plane (these are OLD photos we're talking about, and they're just loose in boxes).  Since they're driving down for their visit, they'll be able to bring them down safely, so I'll finally get to do that!  We also briefly talked about Marcus and I possibly trying to plan a (driving) visit up there in October, when Marcus has two consecutive 4-day weekends (Thursday and Friday off) due to random Jewish holidays.  I don't know how I feel about that, I mean, I'd love to get up there for a visit, but that time of year is always so crazy, between going to Florida for Marcus's grandfather's birthday, the Jewish holidays, and then Thanksgiving, I don't know if I really want to throw MORE travel into the mix.  But we haven't been up there since mid-June, so it would be nice to go.  And we still have to meet with our wedding photographer to plan out our album, so we have to get up there at some point to do that!  So we'll see.  I think it'll probably end up happening.

So, that's about it for today.  I'm glad tomorrow's Friday!  We don't really have any plans this weekend, so hopefully it'll be nice and relaxing! :-)

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