Monday, August 29, 2011

What happened to the weekend?!?

I can't believe the weekend is already over, it went by SO fast!  And this week is going to be insanely least I have our Chattanooga trip to look forward to at the end of it.

I got up early (for a weekend) this morning, around 9:30.  Marcus had gotten up to head out to the APO section event, and I couldn't fall back asleep, so I just decided to get up since I had a lot to do today.  I spent the morning doing laundry, then headed out around 2:15 to go to Eli's birthday party.  I had to take side streets because of my spare tire, which went fine, although the tire seems to be running low.  But I'm taking the car in tomorrow morning, so as long as I can make it to the dealership okay, it should be fine.

Anyway, the birthday party was fun!  There were lots of adorable little kids there, and I ate way more than I should have.  Eli seemed to enjoy himself - his favorite part was chowing down on grapes and watermelon!  This child is a watermelon addict, seriously, it's hilarious!  Especially since he calls it "waterlemon"...every other sentence out of his mouth is, "more waterlemon please!", lol :-)  It was really hot out, so I've been super tired since I got home - too much sun, I think.

When we got home (Marcus came a little later to the party, straight from the APO event), we cooled off for about 15 minutes, then headed back out to go grocery shopping (Marcus drove).  We decided to stop at Menchie's and get some frozen yogurt on our way home, which was a nice treat.  Then Marcus headed over to David's house for a True Blood viewing party, and I stayed home and watched Food Network.

I have a really busy week planned, and it just keeps getting busier!  So far, this is what I've got on the schedule:
Monday - certify unemployment, take my car in, work on Julia's montage, pay rent, watch Secret Life
Tuesday - finish Julia's montage and post it to youtube for final review, gym, Cat and Drew coming over for dinner
Wednesday - babysit Eli and Talia, finalize Julia's montage and burn it to DVD
Thursday - babysit Eli and Talia, deliver montage DVD to Nora, gym, pack for weekend trip
Friday - leave for Chattanooga!

I'll try to keep up with the blog posting, too!

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