Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On the road to recovery!

I'm writing a little earlier than usual tonight, because I've noticed that I tend to be more in the mood to write a few hours earlier than I've been posting, so I thought it might help me write a longer (and better) post.

I had a rough night last night, had a HUGE coughing fit just when I was trying to go to sleep, so I ended up not falling asleep until probably an hour after I intended to.  Luckily, though, once I fell asleep, I slept through the night (yay!) and didn't have another coughing fit until after I woke up around 7:30 this morning!  I felt really gross this morning, just really stuffy and coughing a TON.  But I did get dressed and stuff for the first time since Saturday.

Around 12:30, Cliff dragged me out of the house to get lunch at Panera.  I'm SO glad he did!  We ended up sitting there until almost 4 pm talking, and I felt SO. MUCH. BETTER.  I only had one little mini coughing fit the entire time we were out!  And we had a great 3.5 hour conversation about everything from religion to books to science to paranormal activity, it was amazing :-)  Then, of course, as soon as we got home, I started coughing again :-P  I swear I must be allergic to the apartment or something!  But anyway, even though I'm still coughing, my throat isn't sore anymore, and I haven't had any fever for two days now.  My headache is also gone, I think because I've finally been draining.  So hopefully I will actually be fully recovered by the weekend!

One good thing that's come out of this annoying sick-ness is that I've lost weight more quickly than usual.  Apparently I've dropped two pounds in the last week!  That's a lot for me.  The weird part is, it was really only the first day (Sunday) that I didn't eat much, every day after that I've eaten a normal amount of food!  AND I haven't been exercising since I've been sick.  So I guess coughing up a lung must be good exercise or something :-P  At any rate, I've surpassed the 9-pound weight loss mark.  We'll see if I gain any back before I start losing more, now that I'm feeling better, but anyway, being so close to 10 pounds is really exciting!  I feel like it's a huge accomplishment!  I can't see any difference when I look in the mirror, but I feel better about my body, and I'm inching closer to the "normal" range - my BMI is down to 25.1!  The very lower limit of "overweight" range!

So overall, it's been a pretty good day, despite the incessant coughing.  I'm hopeful that that'll follow the rest of my symptoms out the door sometime soon (tomorrow would be great!), but we'll see what happens.  I missed out on babysitting Eli and Talia TWICE this week...sadface :-(  I can't wait to get back to that.  I also feel like I've been really distanced from Marcus because I've been trying not to get him sick, so I've been more avoidant of physical contact of any kind than usual.  Now that I'm starting to feel better, I'm looking forward to getting back to normal.  He told me today that he's been having trouble falling asleep because he hasn't been able to hold me when we go to bed (awwww), and I have to admit that I miss it too.  So as soon as I can get rid of this annoying cough and lay whichever way I want, I will jump for some snuggle time!

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