Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Busy Day

My original plan for this blog was to post each night about what I've done during the day, so I figured I would try that out for today's post.  Today was an unusual day for me, because it was actually pretty busy!

I got up at 7:15 this morning (about 45 minutes earlier than normal) and headed over to Joel and Shosh's house (good friends of ours) to babysit Eli (their almost 2-year-old son) while Shosh took Talia (their 2.5-month-old daughter) to the doctor.  Eli is the absolute cutest child I have ever known...and I've known MANY adorable children in my life!  Anyway, when I got there, Shosh had Finding Nemo on, and Eli was playing in the playroom.  After she left, I played with him for a while, but as soon as the movie ended, all he wanted me to do was put on Cars!  He kept repeating, "Cars, please?  Cars, please?" and looking at me with that adorable little face...so eventually I put it on for him.  He actually sat in his chair and watched the first 45 minutes or so of the movie before he got up and started playing (but always running back over to check on the movie, lol) - pretty impressive attention span for a kid his age!  After lunch, I managed to get him into his crib for naptime about 45 minutes before Joel got home.  As always, I had a great time with my little buddy :-)

I ended up getting home a little after 3 pm - late enough that last night's finale of The Bachelorette was available on On Demand, so I actually got to watch it on the tv rather than my computer for once!  I was hoping to finish watching it before Marcus got home, but I got home too late for that to happen.  I did pretty well though, he only had to put up with the last 15 minutes or so.  My thoughts on the finale: even though I knew who she was going to pick (I had read spoilers fairly early on in the season so I'd know how it ended if I decided not to watch the whole rest of the season), I was BAWLING - especially after the proposal, when they showed the montage of all their moments together throughout the season to REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight This Feeling"...I was already a little teary, but that just pushed me over the edge, haha.

While I was watching, I got a call from the library to let me know that I didn't get the job - but they said I was among their top choices, and they wanted to know if they could keep my info on file in case something else opens up.  They also said that sometimes the other branches call them and ask if they have any good candidates, and asked if I would be okay with them passing on my info to the other branches.  Of course I said yes to both - so who knows!

When I finished watching my show, Marcus and I went to the gym, and then he took me to Chipotle for dinner.  We just got back a little while ago, so now I am catching up with my Facebook Scrabble games and writing this post while watching the Braves game.

As of right now, I have nothing planned for tomorrow, except I have to go to the bank to deposit a check.  I should also do some more work on Julia's slideshow.  Other than that, I have no idea what I'll end up doing.  Marcus's RPG group is having a make-up session tomorrow night, so I'll be on my own unless I decide to go with him.  I usually prefer not to go - while I like the concept of RPGs, I'm really bad at playing them, and watching is only fun for so long.  After a few hours it gets pretty boring :-P  I could bring a book with me, but I think I'd rather just stay home, where I have my computer and television to keep me entertained!

I don't know who, if anyone, is reading this, so feel free to leave me a comment - let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write more about, or less about, or just say hi and let me know who's reading!  I am blogging for my own reasons, but there's no point in making it a blog rather than a private journal if it's not interesting for people to read! :-)

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