Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sorry I didn't post last night!  I realized after I had already turned off my computer that I hadn't posted, but I figured I'd just do it this morning rather than spend all the time turning my computer back on.

Yesterday was fairly busy, especially in the morning.  The first thing I did after I got up and ready was head over to Turner Field to get tickets for a Braves game when my parents are here.  It was interesting...I had never been there on a non-event day before (I say non-event rather than non-game because I did go to FanFest there one winter), and it was kind of cool!  I got to park in the Delta Medallion lot (right in front of the stadium!), which was the only one open and basically empty.  When I walked in, I saw maybe 4 or 5 people walking around, but that's it.  They had only one ticket window open.  I went up and was able to get the tickets we wanted.  Success!  Then I had a little adventure finding my way back to the highway, lol, but I made it work.  Stupid one-way streets!  Just one reason why I hate driving in the city.

Anyway, when I got home, I spent the next few hours finishing (to the best of my ability at this point) my online application for several jobs in the DeKalb County School System.  This involved taking a test online, entering all of my education and work history ONE ENTRY AT A TIME, ordering transcripts from all colleges I've attended, and sending them a copy of my high school diploma.  Luckily for that last one, I had applied for another job with them last summer, and my mom had already scanned and emailed me a copy of the diploma, so she just resent the email, so I was able to print it and mail it to them right away, rather than my mom having to search my bedroom to find it like last year.

I finished that up right around lunch time, so I ate lunch and then went back to job searching.  The afternoon was definitely much slower than the morning.  When Marcus got home, I decided to make dinner for us - sweet potatoes, baked beans, and salad.  It was easy and yummy, which is the best kind of meal!  Then we watched the Braves game and went to bed.

Today I am babysitting for Eli again, so look for another post tonight.  Hopefully I won't forget this time!

ETA: I totally forgot to mention that while we were watching the game last night, I got to spend a couple of hours talking to my friend Michelle on facebook chat!  We hadn't talked in a while, and I miss her so much, so it was really nice to get to talk to her.  She's going to be in eastern Alabama for a ride (horses) in late September, about an hour and a half to two hours away, so we were trying to figure out if it would be possible for Marcus and I to make a day trip out there to see her.  It's hard because most of the time she's there is during Rosh Hashanah, but there's still a possibility that we could go out for one day after the holiday is over.  We'll see.  It would be great if it works out - it would be great to see her! - but logistically, it's a little tricky on her end.  So who knows.  Anyway, just couldn't forget to include this!

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