Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tired, but in a good way

I am exhausted, but today was pretty satisfying.  I got up normal time (around 8) this morning, and had just enough time to post yesterday's blog (oops!) and check my email and stuff before heading over to Joel and Shosh's house to babysit.  Today I babysat for both Eli (almost 2) and Talia (3 months old).  It was the first time I watched them both by myself, and it was definitely an adventure!  It went really well, though, both kids were really well-behaved, and Eli was in a great mood!  Talia was happy too, when she wasn't hungry, or wet, or tired, lol.  But we had a few good cooing and smiling moments in between :-)  Favorite moment of the day: I was cleaning Eli up after lunch, and I started pretending to "eat" his toes (I leaned down close to his foot and made "nom nom nom" sounds).  He started giggling like crazy, and every time I stopped, he said, "again please!"  After we went back to the playroom, he came up to me every 20 minutes or so and said, "eat toes please!", while trying to hold his foot up toward my mouth while he was standing in front of me (which didn't work at all, haha, I don't know how he kept himself from falling over!).  It totally cracked me up...he is such a funny kid!

I left their house around 2:15 after Joel got home.  I came home and job searched a little, and basically just hung out until Marcus got home.  Then we went to the gym, and splurged on Chipotle for dinner!  After dinner, we came home and watched the rest of the Braves game (we missed the first 4 innings or so).  Then I showered and now I am typing this while Marcus showers, and then we'll probably go to bed early, because I am pooped!

I don't have much on the docket during the day tomorrow.  I have to run over to the unemployment office to ask about a letter I got from them last week, but that's about it.  I'll probably spend most of the day job searching and Amazon Turk-ing (yes, I just made that a verb).  Tomorrow night we are going over to have dinner and play games at Cat and Drew's house.  It's weird because they are friends of friends, and this will be the first time we have ever hung out with them just the four of us.  We don't really know why they've reached out to us all of a sudden, but they're nice, and it should be fun.  I'll give a full report tomorrow night! ;-)

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