Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sick :-(

I'm sick :-(  I was feeling okay when I woke up today, but over the course of the day, it got worse, and I know I had a fever for the better part of the afternoon and evening.  I'm really hoping it won't last too long, since I need to be better and ready to go when my parents arrive for their visit next weekend!

I intended to sleep in later than I did today, but I woke up around 10:15 and never went back to sleep.  We went over to Dunwoody Gables to look at the 2-bedroom apartment that we like, to see one with the fireplace.  I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about it, but we're going to wait until after next weekend to decide anything anyway, so that we can talk to my parents about it and see what they think before we decide.

Then we headed over to Joel and Shosh's house.  Eli was napping when we got there, so we hung out and played cards until he woke up.  Then we all headed over to the mall to get work clothes and shoes for Joel and to look in the Disney store for Eli.  We ended up going to an early dinner at the Cheesecake Factory at the mall, too.  By the time we got done with all that, I really wasn't feeling well, so Marcus and I went home.  Since then I've been sitting on the couch, we have the Braves game on, but I'm not really watching.  I took some Advil, which seems to be kicking in a little bit now, so I'm feeling slightly better, but still not great.

I'm going to go to bed early (like, in a few minutes) and hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow...especially since I have to do laundry tomorrow and go grocery shopping (and Marcus has a meeting in the afternoon, so I can't just send him out grocery shopping, either).  He was also planning a date night for tomorrow night - it was originally supposed to be tonight, but he realized that all the coupons he has for the places he wants us to go aren't valid on Saturday nights :-P  So now it's supposed to be tomorrow night...but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

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