Sunday, August 21, 2011

The parents are coming!

My parents are here visiting this weekend, so we have been super busy.  They got here around 11 this morning, and we unloaded the stuff they brought down for us out of the car.  Then we headed off to the bank, where we were able to get everything done that we needed to in short order.  So we set off to downtown Decatur for lunch at Raging Burrito.  Over lunch, we had a nice talk about the options that Marcus and I have when our lease is up in January.  We are starting to think more seriously about trying to buy a house, so my parents gave us some really helpful tips and advice.  We also briefly discussed car insurance options.

After lunch, we went to Whole Foods to get my mom her peach salsa.  Usually they get a case of 12 jars, but the store only had 11 jars in stock.  Luckily, when we explained this to the person at checkout, he was able to give us the case discount even though we only had 11 jars instead of 12.

Then we came back to the apartment and loaded all the stuff my parents are taking back with them to store at their house into the car.  After that, we were all tired, so my parents went to check into their hotel and relax for a few hours.  Marcus and I also spent that time resting.

My parents came back over around 5, and we headed out to the Braves game!  We took MARTA so we wouldn't have to deal with traffic and parking.  It was my mom's first time on MARTA, and she kept making comparisons to the NY and DC public transportation systems.  We got to the game a little early, so we first walked all the way around to the other side of the stadium to get food for my mom at the gluten free concession stand.  We passed a Chik-Fil-A on the way, where Marcus got food.  Then we went back up to our section (413), and my dad and I got food.  We decided to sit in a shady spot and eat our food before going to our seats, since it was really hot and sunny outside.  This was a good choice, as the sun went behind some clouds by the time we made it to our seats.

The game was great, the Braves kicked some Diamondback butt, and Marcus made friends with an 18-month-old boy who was sitting next to us with his grandpa.  He was really cute, his grandpa was showing him how to do the chop, and he also enjoyed clapping along with the crowd and pointing up at every airplane, bird, and bug that flew by overhead.

After the game, we had a little adventure walking back to MARTA, as we came out an exit on the wrong side of the stadium!  So we had to walk all the way around, and ended up getting caught in the mass exodus of people.  Luckily, the vast majority of them had driven to the game, so they all disappeared into the parking lots by the time we were halfway to the MARTA station.   We ended up getting home around 11, and my parents headed back to their hotel to sleep.  Marcus and I are heading to sleep soon too, as we have another busy day planned tomorrow!

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