Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today was a weird day.  Very productive, but weird.  My routine is so thrown off!

I got up normal time this morning, got ready, and headed over to Joel and Shosh's house.  Shosh had asked me if I could come with her and the kids to a group meeting and watch Eli out in the hall while she was in the meeting with Talia.  I gladly agreed, so that's what I was doing this morning.  The meeting was at this church that had lots of long hallways (which Eli greatly enjoyed running through and exploring!).  He was pretty good for the most part, but was really tired by the end, and had a mini-meltdown when he got sick of waiting for Mommy to come out of the meeting room :-(  Once she did come out, though, he was fine again!  We had lots of fun playing with his picnic basket - taking all the foods out and naming them, then putting them back in.  The cutest thing was, one of the foods in the basket is a triangular cheese slice (which is supposed to be part of a sandwich, but he has all the pieces separated), and at first, he only called it "triangle".  I told him it was a cheese triangle, and from then on, he called it "cheese triangle"!  It was really cute, lol.

Anyway, I got home around 2 and ate lunch (late lunch for me), then called the car insurance company.  Basically what had happened was that when I changed my name with them, they made me add Marcus onto my insurance, but not his car (he still had his own separate insurance).  So we figured out that it's cheaper to just have one combined policy.  I went on the website and got a quote for how much it would cost to add his car onto my policy, and he got a quote for how much it would cost to create a new policy from scratch including both of us and both our cars.  His quote was significantly lower than mine, so I called them today to see if I could talk them into just adding him onto my policy for the lower price that he had found.  After about 20 minutes on the phone (most of it on hold while they looked stuff up), the customer service lady confirmed that I could get the lower price, so I went ahead and did that!  One more thing checked off the list!

When Marcus got home, we both were kind of out of it.  He had gone into work early this morning, so both of our routines were a little off.  We kind of threw random stuff together for dinner, and then watched the Braves game.

OH - I also got an email from the bank about that check that I mentioned yesterday.  Apparently the car company got the check and tried to process it, so I got an email from the bank saying that my account had "insufficient funds" (duh, cuz I closed it, it has NO funds :-P) and that I could be charged an overdraft fee.  So I got on the bank website and ended up chatting online with a "representative".  Luckily, she assured me that since the account has been completely closed, I will not be charged a fee.  So at least I'm not getting fees from both ends!

I am babysitting for Eli and Talia again tomorrow (this time is a normal day, Shosh is working), so I'm heading to bed to try to get a sufficient amount of sleep to deal with an almost 2 year old and a 3 month old.  Goodnight, all!

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