Monday, August 15, 2011

Another sick day...

Yup, still sick.  I think I'm starting to get better though, my fever didn't spike nearly as high tonight as it did last night, although it still did go up a little in the evening.

I spent the entire day sitting/laying on the futon in our living room today.  There was a marathon of Millionaire Matchmaker on, and I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I watched it for about 6 hours...but hey, I'm sick, so that's my excuse, right? ;-)

When Marcus got home, we decided to order in dinner from Mediterranean Grill, since Marcus loves their food, and I was actually craving their potatoes!  I ate while watching the new episode of Secret Life, and then joined Marcus in the living room to watch the end of the Braves game - very exciting finish!  I swear I have a 6th sense about these things...I had a "feeling" that Freddie Freeman was going to drive in at least A run somehow!  But he managed to drive in two, so we won!  Yay!

I felt much better overall today, for most of the day, I didn't even have a fever, in fact my temperature was below normal for a good chunk of the day (thanks to the thermometer I made Marcus pick up when he went grocery shopping yesterday, I was actually able to keep tabs on it for once).  I seem to hit a wall around 7-7:30 pm...that's when my fever spiked yesterday, and when it went up to its highest point today (which, today, was only a little over 100 - much better than yesterday's high of 102.4).  It somehow went down after that though, as I checked it again around 10 (to see if I should take some Advil before going to bed), and it was 99.7!  So I deemed Advil unnecessary, and I think it was the right choice - I'm starting to sweat a little now, which likely means it's dropping even more on its own.  GO IMMUNE SYSTEM, GO!

I also ate real food today.  Yesterday I fed myself the "sick diet" - toast with jelly for brunch, and soup for dinner.  Today I decided I needed some protein, so after eating an orange for breakfast, I ended up having peanut butter and jelly for lunch, and a sandwich from Med Grill (as I mentioned above) for dinner.

I plan to spend most of the day tomorrow laying on the futon again...but Cliff is coming to stay over tomorrow night for an interview he has Wednesday morning, so I'll have to give up my futon spot a little earlier in the day tomorrow than I did today.

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