Thursday, September 8, 2011

Steps in the right direction

I feel like my life finally took a couple of steps in some right directions today.  This is exciting!

I got up normal time today and headed over to Joel and Shosh's around 9:45 to babysit.  Eli and I played with playdough, and also played out on the porch with beans, his new basketball hoop, and bubbles!  He still does the same thing he's done with the bubbles since he first started playing with them - he watches them land on the floor, then looks at me and says, "pop them!"  I tell him to go ahead and pop them, and he steps on each one individually.  I say "pop!" each time he steps on one, and this sends him into a massive giggle fit!  It's the cutest thing ever :-D

While I was giving Talia her bottle, I got a phone call back from the tutoring company.  My scores on the teachers' test were "excellent", and they'd like me to come in for an interview.  I need to call them back tomorrow, now that I know what my schedule is looking like next week.

I got home around 4:30, received an email soon after that from Jerrilyn (our realtor), and spent the next few minutes emailing back and forth with her planning an outing on Saturday to go look at a few houses!  Marcus came home a little late because he had a meeting at work, so I watched the first game of the Braves' doubleheader with the Mets, and then ate dinner when he got home.  We are still watching game 2!  I also went and watched the new episode of Millionaire Matchmaker in the other room during the hour it was on.  I loved one of her clients this week!  He was such a good guy, and she found a great match for him :-)

Tomorrow is looking to be a quiet day, which will be nice.  All I have on the docket is to pay my student loan bill and clean the bathroom.  And Marcus has his RPG tomorrow night, so I'll be here by myself.  I'll probably end up just watching the Braves game, but we'll see.  I MIGHT let myself sleep in tomorrow...I've had a hard time waking up every day this week, so I feel like I need to make sure I get enough sleep at least one night.

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