Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today was a very long and stressful day.  I slept in a little bit, got up around 8:30 instead of 8.  Once Marcus left for work a little after 10, I headed out to the bank to deposit my checks, then came home and ate an early lunch around 11:15.  Got changed into nicer clothes and headed out to Duluth for my interview with the tutoring company.

It ended up being a video conference (skype) interview, since the hiring lady was out of town at one of the company's offices in another state.  It went well, I got the impression that the interview was just a formality, and apparently my friend who hooked me up with the company gave me a great recommendation.  So, they want to hire me, but I have some reservations.  I don't want to get into it on this public forum, but I wrote a livejournal entry about it, and I've talked to Marcus and a few friends about it.  Everyone has pretty much given me the same advice, which is to at least try it out for a while, and if I don't like it, I can always leave.  My problem with that is, once I say I'm doing it, I'm not going to leave.  That's how I got stuck at the law firm for 3 years, lol, it's just how I am.  Plus, it wouldn't be fair to the students for me to leave after a short time, it's not good for them for the teachers to be constantly changing.  So we'll see.  I'm planning at this point to at least go to the training next week and see how that goes, but I want to make a decision before I actually get in the classroom.

So anyway, after the interview, I came home and was stressing out about it until Marcus got home.  I talked to him about it for a while, and then we went to the gym, which was great because it took my mind off the job stuff temporarily.  After the gym, we came back and ate dinner, and then I watched the new episode of Millionaire Matchmaker.  Now we are watching yesterday's Survivor premiere again (Marcus hasn't seen it yet), and then it will be time to shower and go to sleep!

Tomorrow I'm hoping will be somewhat more relaxing than today, but since we're traveling tomorrow night, I doubt it :-P  I do get to go watch Eli for a little bit tomorrow morning though, so hopefully that'll help me feel a little better.  I need to find some down time between now and tomorrow night, though, because with my stress levels already so high from this job stuff, I might be headed for some kind of meltdown over the weekend if I can't cool them down.  And being so stressed about the job thing, it's a really bad time for me to be put in a situation where a lot of people (whose approval is important to me, I might add) will be grilling me about's just not good timing.  So hopefully I'll be able to relax at least a little bit tomorrow.

I'm not sure that I'll get a chance to post before we leave tomorrow night, so I may just be gone until Sunday night or Monday.

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