Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So out of it

So I'm trying to get back into the daily grind, including writing in here every night.  It's hard!  I literally JUST remembered to write in here tonight.

I slept in a little bit today, but got up around 10 after Marcus got a phone call that woke me up.  We ended up going to lunch with Pearl and Joey, then went grocery shopping.  It was a rainy, dreary day (although I did enjoy the MUCH cooler weather!), so we were kind of out of it all day.  I did go to the gym tonight (but Marcus didn't come with me), and felt a little better after that.  I ate dinner and we watched the beginning of the Braves game before the season finale of Secret Life came on at 8.  It was a GREAT episode, definitely the best one this season.  I have a love/hate relationship with season finales.  I love that they are usually amazing episodes that finally tie up all the loose ends of the story.  I hate that they mean I have to wait for MONTHS to see the next episode! :-P

Anyway, after Secret Life ended up, Marcus had left to pick David up from the airport, so I watched the end of the Braves game by myself.  Then I just hung out until he got home.  I showered and got ready for bed, and now here I am writing this.  I'm hoping that I will be able to get back into my regular routine starting tomorrow!  The only things I have on the docket for tomorrow are to review some basic math stuff for the SAT teacher's test I'm taking on Wednesday (pre-requisite for a potential tutoring job), and Marcus and I are meeting with a good friend of his aunt's, who is a realtor, to start house hunting in earnest.  So hopefully I'll have something interesting to report tomorrow night!

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