Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Interesting Day

As predicted, today turned out to be a very interesting day.  The morning was pretty slow, I didn't really do much until around 11:30.  Then I ate an early lunch before heading out to Duluth (about a 45 minute drive) to take the "teacher's test" SAT.  When I got there, they first had me fill out an application, which took a while since I had to look up people's addresses and phone numbers.  Finally, I finished, and they led me back into the testing area.  It was a row of little cubicles against a wall.  They gave me a calculator (non-graphing), pencils, an eraser, and scrap paper.  They didn't make me leave any of my stuff outside, so I had my phone, my purse, and even my notebook that I had brought where I had written directions of how to get there.  Also in the notebook happened to be my study notes from when I took the GRE, and there were several points during the test when I could easily have cheated and looked up certain formulas in my notebook - but I didn't.  Anyway, the test was REALLY easy.  I don't remember the SAT being that easy, and I didn't find it super hard in high school.  There was only ONE question on which I completely guessed, and only about 4-5 others where I wasn't completely sure of my answer.  So yeah, I'm pretty sure I aced it, but we'll see.  They said they'd get back to me within the next week or so.

I didn't get home until right around 5 pm.  Marcus got home soon after.  We were supposed to call Susan (the financing lady) at 5:45, but we got an email from her just before then saying that she was stuck in a meeting and she would call us later tonight.  So we went ahead to the gym, and then went to this cute little taqueria on Piedmont (Marcus had a coupon for $16 there) for dinner.  Susan finally called us on our way home from dinner.  Marcus talked to her for a little while, and we found out a lot of useful stuff.  We are qualified for a loan that is less than what we'd like, but still doable.  We also found out our exact credit scores, which are AWESOME!  Mine are slightly better than Marcus's, teehee :-D  Susan was actually impressed by them (which is always a good sign)!  Anyway, as this was just the first of what I'm sure will be many conversations, we've already started discussing other things we need to ask her about, including other loan programs where we could potentially have to put a smaller down payment.

After we got off the phone with Susan, we just hung out, watched the end of the Braves game, and I called Marsha back (we had been playing phone tag all evening).  I'm babysitting tomorrow, so getting ready to head to bed when I finish writing this.  Goodnight, world!

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