Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh, hello fall!

All I have to say about the weather the past two days is that I wish it wasn't raining so that I could spend the day outside and enjoy the nice, cool weather!  It was in the 60s most of the day today - PERFECTION <3

Today was a pretty slow day for the most part.  I was out of it because of the weather, and also because I really didn't get enough sleep last night.  I spent most of the day job searching and bumming around on the interwebs, although I did take out the trash!  So not much happened until Marcus got home.

He actually didn't even come in when he got home, I just went down to meet him at his car, and we headed over to meet with Jerrilyn.  Jerrilyn is a good friend of Marcus's aunt, who happens to be a realtor.  Marcus's mom hooked us up with her, so we are really getting this house-hunting process on the road!  We went to her office, and she asked us a bunch of questions about what we're looking for and our timeframe and stuff, and then she went through this huge packet of information with us, basically walking us step-by-step through the entire process.  It was very helpful and informative, and I feel like we really have a much better idea of what we're in for and where we're going with all this now.  She also gave us contact information for someone she works with who can help us with the financial aspects - pre-qualifying for a loan and all that.  So we sent her an email (her name is Susan), and she emailed us back right away!  We're going to call her tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.  And Jerrilyn has already started sending us some properties to look at (via email).

So now we are just sitting here watching the Braves game and unwinding.  I really need to go to bed at a decent hour tonight.  Tomorrow I am taking the SAT (or a version of it) for this tutoring job I applied for.  I really wish the office I have to go to opened earlier.   They open at 11 am, so I am going out there at 1 pm (after lunch, I don't want to get hungry in the middle of the test!), but I really would prefer to take it first thing in the morning.  Then I wouldn't have the problem of having too many other thoughts muddling my brain.  Oh well.

That's about it for today.  Tomorrow should be interesting!

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