Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today is my Daddy's birthday!  Happy Birthday, Daddy!

This morning I got up normal time and headed over to Joel and Shosh's to babysit.  Shosh tried to put Talia down for a nap before she left, but she only slept for about 15 minutes, so she ended up taking a 3-hour nap a little later, which was perfect!  Eli and I played out on the deck with beans, bubbles, and basketball for most of the day.  He says the funniest things...

We were playing with the beans (Talia was inside sleeping in her swing at this point), and Eli randomly says, "Baby Talia!"  I thought maybe she had woken up and he heard her making noise that I couldn't hear or something, so I said, "Baby Talia?  What is she doing?"  Eli said, "swing!"  At this point I relaxed, and said, "yes, that's right, she's sleeping in her swing."  Eli responded, "she's a lucky girl!"  I laughed out loud...he gave me a funny look as if to say "why are you laughing at me?!?", but it was so funny!  I guess he must have heard Joel and Shosh saying it at some point and was just repeating, but to hear a two-year-old say that was just priceless.

Anyway, Joel got home a little early, so I ended up getting home around 3:30.  There had been a possibility that I would have to pick Marsha up from either the airport or MARTA, but she texted me earlier saying that she had found someone else to do it, so I just went straight home.  Marcus had a board meeting after work tonight, so I was on my own for dinner (leftover pasta, yum!).  I watched the season premiere of Survivor...don't worry, I won't post any spoilers!  I'm kind of "eh" on this season so far...there aren't any new players who have really caught my attention yet, good or bad.  I did like the immunity challenge they did tonight - I LOVE multi-step challenges!  Beyond that, it wasn't all that interesting.  Then again, it's usually three or four episodes before I really start to get into it and know who I like and dislike, so we'll see.

After the show was over, I called my dad to wish him a happy birthday, and we talked for a little bit (I talked to my mom, too).  Then Marcus got home, and now we are just hanging out on the couch staring at our respective computers.  Marcus gets to go into work late tomorrow (around 10:30), which is nice, but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to sleep in with him or just get up normal time.  I have my interview with the tutoring company at 1 pm tomorrow, and I need to go to the bank before that to deposit a couple of checks.

Speaking of the interview, I'm kind of in a holding phase right now.  I found a couple of jobs I want to apply to, but I'm waiting to see how this interview goes first.  I really don't know much about the tutoring job - full time, part time, how the hours work, etc., so I want to find out more about it before I apply to anything else.

For some reason, I am REALLY tired, so I think I am going to actually try to go to bed early tonight.  Tomorrow should be a slightly less hectic day, but still active.  And then Friday is going to be a long, busy, and stressful day (traveling always has that effect on me).  At least we (hopefully) get to sleep in on Saturday!

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